Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Photos: World's biggest Biceps

The Eyptian-born bodybuilder eats three pounds of chicken, and a pound of steak or fish a day, as well large portions of carbohydrates
Moustafa Ismail moved from his birthplace in Egypt to the U.S. with his wife so he could use better bodybuilding facilities
 Moustafa Ismail, 24, an Egyptian-born bodybuilder has had his 31 inch biceps crowned the biggest in the world.
 Ismail has spent ten years pumping iron twice a day and his upper arms now have the same circumference
 as a grown man’s waist. Wow! see more pictures

The body builder's arms measure a circumference of 31inches. But 'Big Mo' says unlike Popeye he does not like spinach
The Guinness Book of Records is launched today, with real life Popeye Moustafa Ismail promoting it
Mr Ismail moved himself and his girlfriend from Egypt to the U.S. purely so he could use better weightlifting facilities to pursue his aim of bulking up his arms

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